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Michael Oher’s conservatorship saga and his relationship to the Tuohys raise questions
October 16, 2023 / News / Barbara Moss
Lawyers all over the state of Tennessee are scratching their heads about the Michael Oher conservatorship and the ensuing litigation.

Michael Oher’s conservatorship saga and his relationship to the Tuohys raise questions
Lawyers all over the state of Tennessee are scratching their heads about the Michael Oher conservatorship and the ensuing litigation. On Aug. 9, 2004, a lawyer in Hernando, Mississippi, filed a petition on behalf of Sean Tuohy and his wife, Leigh Anne Tuohy, to...
Older Americans Month: Rediscover the story of our nation’s eldest citizens | Opinion
Today, people over 65 make up 17%, 1 in 6 of Americans, and that percentage is expected to grow to 46% by 2032. The fastest growing group consists of people over 85. May is Older Americans Month. So who are we? First of all, we are numerous. Today, people over 65 make...
Breaking down Britney Spears’ conservatorship court case. Could it happen in Nashville?
Like many Nashvillians, I have been caught up in the ongoing drama of the Britney Spears conservatorship in California. There are many things about it that we may never know, especially Spears’ medical information, which is confidential. But there are several...
Give your loved ones peace of mind with legal documents | Opinion
Documents you need include powers of attorney for health care and finances, an advance directive, a will, a living will and a trust. This year for the holidays, why not give yourself and your loved ones a little peace of mind? Wouldn’t your children be relieved to be...
The TennCare block grant proposal could hurt seniors. We’re not talking about it | Opinion
We are leaving out an entire category of our citizens in the discussion about Medicaid block grants—our seniors and, even if we are currently younger than 65, ourselves as future seniors. In Tennessee, we who are 65 and older account for 16% of the total population. ...
See Attorney when Family Member Goes into Nursing Home | Barbara Moss For The Tennessean
I have a passion for getting critical information to seniors and their families! I have been publishing articles in The Tennessean every 2 months or so. This one is about what to do if you or a loved one goes into a nursing home: Tennessean guide on consulting...
Don’t Leave your Family Battling after Your Death | Opinion | Barbara Moss For The Tennessean.
I love to write articles that help seniors sort out real-life problems. Here's one about heading off family battles:
Seniors, Do not put off seeing an attorney
There are times when a senior absolutely needs to talk to a lawyer to make sure that an appropriate plan is in place that will provide for (1) decision-making on financial and health care matters and (2) preservation of assets. How can you know when that time has...
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